#P1616. Closing ceremony
Closing ceremony
The closing ceremony of Squanch Code Cup is held in the big hall with n×m seats, arranged in n rows, m seats in a row. Each seat has two coordinates (x,y) (1≤x≤n, 1≤y≤m).
There are two queues of people waiting to enter the hall: k people are standing at (0,0) and n·m-k people are standing at (0,m+1). Each person should have a ticket for a specific seat. If person p at (x,y) has ticket for seat (xp,yp) then he should walk |x-xp|+|y-yp| to get to his seat.
Each person has a stamina− the maximum distance, that the person agrees to walk. You should find out if this is possible to distribute all n·m tickets in such a way that each person has enough stamina to get to their seat.
The first line of input contains two integers n and m (1≤n·m≤104)− the size of the hall.
The second line contains several integers. The first integer k (0≤k≤n·m)− the number of people at (0,0). The following k integers indicate stamina of each person there.
The third line also contains several integers. The first integer l (l=n·m-k)− the number of people at (0,m+1). The following l integers indicate stamina of each person there.
The stamina of the person is a positive integer less that or equal to n+m.
If it is possible to distribute tickets between people in the described manner print "YES", otherwise print "NO".
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