#P3850. String Transformation
String Transformation
Let s be a string whose length equals n. Its characters are numbered from 0 to n-1, i and j are integers, 0≤i<j<n. Let's define function f as follows:
f(s,i,j)=s[i+1... j-1]+r(s[j... n-1])+r(s[0... i]).
Here s[p... q] is a substring of string s, that starts in position p and ends in position q (inclusive); "+" is the string concatenation operator; r(x) is a string resulting from writing the characters of the x string in the reverse order. If j=i+1, then the substring s[i+1... j-1] is considered empty.
You are given two strings a and b. Find such values of i and j, that f(a,i,j)=b. Number i should be maximally possible. If for this i there exists several valid values of j, choose the minimal j.
The first two input lines are non-empty strings a and b correspondingly. Each string's length does not exceed 106 characters. The strings can contain any characters with ASCII codes from 32 to 126 inclusive.
Print two integers i, j − the answer to the problem. If no solution exists, print "-1 -1" (without the quotes).
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-1 -1