#P1692. Cards





现在有nn张卡牌(nn为偶数),每张卡牌上都写着一个正整数。有n/2n/2个人要玩这个卡牌游戏,在游戏开始时每个人会得到两张卡牌,每张卡牌只能给一个玩家。 现在让你发卡牌,使每一个人手上的卡片上所写的数字的总和相等。数据保证有发牌的方案符合题目要求。



第一行包括一个整数nn(2<=n<=100)(2<=n<=100),表示一共有的卡牌数。 第二行包括nn个正整数a1,a2,...,ana_1,a_2,...,a_n(1<=ai<=100)(1<=ai<=100),aia_i表示第ii张卡牌上的数字。


输出n/2n/2对整数,第ii对数表示应给第ii个玩家的卡牌。每张卡牌只能给一个人,卡牌的编号按照输入的顺序编号。 数据保证有发牌的方案符合题目要求。如果有多种方案,可任意输出一个答案。


There are n n cards ( n n is even) in the deck. Each card has a positive integer written on it. n/2 n/2 people will play new card game. At the beginning of the game each player gets two cards, each card is given to exactly one player.

Find the way to distribute cards such that the sum of values written of the cards will be equal for each player. It is guaranteed that it is always possible.


The first line of the input contains integer n n ( 2<=n<=100 2<=n<=100 ) — the number of cards in the deck. It is guaranteed that n n is even.

The second line contains the sequence of n n positive integers a1,a2,...,an a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} ( 1<=ai<=100 1<=a_{i}<=100 ), where ai a_{i} is equal to the number written on the i i -th card.


Print n/2 n/2 pairs of integers, the i i -th pair denote the cards that should be given to the i i -th player. Each card should be given to exactly one player. Cards are numbered in the order they appear in the input.

It is guaranteed that solution exists. If there are several correct answers, you are allowed to print any of them.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

1 5 7 4 4 3

样例输出 #1

1 3
6 2
4 5

样例 #2

样例输入 #2

10 10 10 10

样例输出 #2

1 2
3 4


In the first sample, cards are distributed in such a way that each player has the sum of numbers written on his cards equal to 8 8 .

In the second sample, all values ai a_{i} are equal. Thus, any distribution is acceptable.