#P1950. Magic Numbers

Magic Numbers

Magic Numbers


给你 44 个数 m,d,l,rm,d,l,r ,保证 l,rl,r 位数相同。

问满足以下条件的数 xx 的个数:

  1. lxrl \leq x\leq r

  2. xx 的偶数位是 dd,奇数位不是 dd。 (这里定义偶数位为从高位往低位的数的偶数位)

  3. mxm|x

答案对 10000000071000000007 取模。

$1\le m \le 2000,0\le d \le 9,1\le l \le r \le 10^{2000}$


Consider the decimal presentation of an integer. Let's call a number d-magic if digit d d appears in decimal presentation of the number on even positions and nowhere else.

For example, the numbers 1727374 1727374 , 17 17 , 1 1 are 7-magic but 77 77 , 7 7 , 123 123 , 34 34 , 71 71 are not 7-magic. On the other hand the number 7 7 is 0-magic, 123 123 is 2-magic, 34 34 is 4-magic and 71 71 is 1-magic.

Find the number of d-magic numbers in the segment [a,b] [a,b] that are multiple of m m . Because the answer can be very huge you should only find its value modulo 109+7 10^{9}+7 (so you should find the remainder after dividing by 109+7 10^{9}+7 ).


The first line contains two integers m,d m,d ( 1<=m<=2000 1<=m<=2000 , 0<=d<=9 0<=d<=9 ) — the parameters from the problem statement.

The second line contains positive integer a a in decimal presentation (without leading zeroes).

The third line contains positive integer b b in decimal presentation (without leading zeroes).

It is guaranteed that a<=b a<=b , the number of digits in a a and b b are the same and don't exceed 2000 2000 .


Print the only integer a a — the remainder after dividing by 109+7 10^{9}+7 of the number of d-magic numbers in segment [a,b] [a,b] that are multiple of m m .

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

2 6

样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

2 0

样例输出 #2


样例 #3

样例输入 #3

19 7

样例输出 #3



The numbers from the answer of the first example are 16 16 , 26 26 , 36 36 , 46 46 , 56 56 , 76 76 , 86 86 and 96 96 .

The numbers from the answer of the second example are 2 2 , 4 4 , 6 6 and 8 8 .

The numbers from the answer of the third example are 1767 1767 , 2717 2717 , 5757 5757 , 6707 6707 , 8797 8797 and 9747 9747 .