#P3185. Yaroslav and Points
Yaroslav and Points
Yaroslav has n points that lie on the Ox axis. The coordinate of the first point is x1, the coordinate of the second point is x2, ..., the coordinate of the n-th point is − xn. Now Yaroslav wants to execute m queries, each of them is of one of the two following types:
- Move the pj-th point from position xpj to position xpj+dj. At that, it is guaranteed that after executing such query all coordinates of the points will be distinct.
- Count the sum of distances between all pairs of points that lie on the segment [lj,rj] (lj≤rj). In other words, you should count the sum of: .
Help Yaroslav.
The first line contains integer n − the number of points (1≤n≤105). The second line contains distinct integers x1,x2,...,xn − the coordinates of points (|xi|≤109).
The third line contains integer m − the number of queries (1≤m≤105). The next m lines contain the queries. The j-th line first contains integer tj (1≤tj≤2) − the query type. If tj=1, then it is followed by two integers pj and dj (1≤pj≤n,|dj|≤1000). If tj=2, then it is followed by two integers lj and rj (-109≤lj≤rj≤109).
It is guaranteed that at any moment all the points have distinct coordinates.
For each type 2 query print the answer on a single line. Print the answers in the order, in which the queries follow in the input.
Please, do not use the %lld specifier to read or write 64-bit integers in C++. It is preferred to use the cin, cout streams of the %I64d specifier.
36 50 28 -75 40 -60 -95 -48
2 -61 29
1 5 -53
1 1 429
1 5 130
2 -101 -71
2 -69 53
1 1 404
1 5 518
2 -101 53
2 50 872
1 1 -207
2 -99 -40
1 7 -389
1 6 -171
1 2 464
1 7 -707
1 1 -730
1 1 560
2 635 644
1 7 -677