#P4158. Dense Subsequence
Dense Subsequence
You are given a string s, consisting of lowercase English letters, and the integer m.
One should choose some symbols from the given string so that any contiguous subsegment of length m has at least one selected symbol. Note that here we choose positions of symbols, not the symbols themselves.
Then one uses the chosen symbols to form a new string. All symbols from the chosen position should be used, but we are allowed to rearrange them in any order.
Formally, we choose a subsequence of indices 1≤i1<i2<...<it≤|s|. The selected sequence must meet the following condition: for every j such that 1≤j≤|s|-m+1, there must be at least one selected index that belongs to the segment [j,j+m-1], i.e. there should exist a k from 1 to t, such that j≤ik≤j+m-1.
Then we take any permutation p of the selected indices and form a new string sip1sip2... sipt.
Find the lexicographically smallest string, that can be obtained using this procedure.
The first line of the input contains a single integer m (1≤m≤100000).
The second line contains the string s consisting of lowercase English letters. It is guaranteed that this string is non-empty and its length doesn't exceed 100000. It is also guaranteed that the number m doesn't exceed the length of the string s.
Print the single line containing the lexicographically smallest string, that can be obtained using the procedure described above.
In the first sample, one can choose the subsequence {3} and form a string "a".
In the second sample, one can choose the subsequence {1,2,4} (symbols on this positions are 'a', 'b' and 'a') and rearrange the chosen symbols to form a string "aab".