#P4726. Place Your Ad Here

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nn 个广告和 mm 个电视台,第 ii 个广告只能在时间段 [li,ri]\left[l_i,r_i\right] 播放,第 jj 个电视台会在时间段 [aj,bj]\left[a_j,b_j\right] 播出,并且有 cjc_j 个人收看。

选择第 xx 个广告和第 yy 个电视台的收益为 (vu)×cy\left(v-u\right)\times c_y,其中 [u,v]\left[u,v\right][lx,rx]\left[l_x,r_x\right][ay,by]\left[a_y,b_y\right] 的交集。



第一行两个正整数 n,mn,m

接下来 nn 行,每行两个非负整数 li,ril_i,r_i

接下来 mm 行,每行两个非负整数 aj,bja_j,b_j 和一个正整数 cjc_j



若最大收益不为 00,第二行输出两个正整数 i,ji,j,代表选择第 ii 个广告和第 jj 个电视台时收益最大。




保证 1n,m2×1051\le n,m\le 2\times 10^50liri1090\le l_i\le r_i\le 10^90aibi1090\le a_i\le b_i\le 10^91ci1091\le c_i\le 10^9


Ivan Anatolyevich's agency is starting to become famous in the town.

They have already ordered and made n n TV commercial videos. Each video is made in a special way: the colors and the soundtrack are adjusted to the time of the day and the viewers' mood. That's why the i i -th video can only be shown within the time range of [li,ri] [l_{i},r_{i}] (it is not necessary to use the whole segment but the broadcast time should be within this segment).

Now it's time to choose a TV channel to broadcast the commercial. Overall, there are m m TV channels broadcasting in the city, the j j -th one has cj c_{j} viewers, and is ready to sell time [aj,bj] [a_{j},b_{j}] to broadcast the commercial.

Ivan Anatolyevich is facing a hard choice: he has to choose exactly one video i i and exactly one TV channel j j to broadcast this video and also a time range to broadcast [x,y] [x,y] . At that the time range should be chosen so that it is both within range [li,ri] [l_{i},r_{i}] and within range [aj,bj] [a_{j},b_{j}] .

Let's define the efficiency of the broadcast as value (yx)cj (y-x)·c_{j} — the total sum of time that all the viewers of the TV channel are going to spend watching the commercial. Help Ivan Anatolyevich choose the broadcast with the maximum efficiency!


The first line contains two integers n n and m m ( 1<=n,m<=2105 1<=n,m<=2·10^{5} ) — the number of commercial videos and channels, respectively.

Each of the following n n lines contains two integers li l_{i} , ri r_{i} ( 0<=li<=ri<=109 0<=l_{i}<=r_{i}<=10^{9} ) — the segment of time when it is possible to show the corresponding video.

Each of the following m m lines contains three integers aj a_{j} , bj b_{j} , cj c_{j} ( 0<=aj<=bj<=109 0<=a_{j}<=b_{j}<=10^{9} , 1<=cj<=109 1<=c_{j}<=10^{9} ), characterizing the TV channel.


In the first line print an integer — the maximum possible efficiency of the broadcast. If there is no correct way to get a strictly positive efficiency, print a zero.

If the maximum efficiency is strictly positive, in the second line also print the number of the video i i ( 1<=i<=n 1<=i<=n ) and the number of the TV channel j j ( 1<=j<=m 1<=j<=m ) in the most effective broadcast.

If there are multiple optimal answers, you can print any of them.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

2 3
7 9
1 4
2 8 2
0 4 1
8 9 3

样例输出 #1

2 1

样例 #2

样例输入 #2

1 1
0 0
1 1 10

样例输出 #2



In the first sample test the most optimal solution is to show the second commercial using the first TV channel at time [2,4] [2,4] . The efficiency of such solution is equal to (42)2=4 (4-2)·2=4 .

In the second sample test Ivan Anatolievich's wish does not meet the options of the TV channel, the segments do not intersect, so the answer is zero.