#P4787. Clique Problem
Clique Problem
Clique Problem
数轴上有 个点,第 个点的坐标为 ,权值为 。两个点 之间存在一条边当且仅当 。 你需要求出这张图的最大团的点数。
第一行一个整数 ,接下来 行每行两个整数 。
感谢@Asougi_Kazuma 提供的翻译。
感谢@皎月半洒花 将翻译改成了正常人能看明白的翻译。
The clique problem is one of the most well-known NP-complete problems. Under some simplification it can be formulated as follows. Consider an undirected graph . It is required to find a subset of vertices of the maximum size such that any two of them are connected by an edge in graph . Sounds simple, doesn't it? Nobody yet knows an algorithm that finds a solution to this problem in polynomial time of the size of the graph. However, as with many other NP-complete problems, the clique problem is easier if you consider a specific type of a graph.
Consider distinct points on a line. Let the -th point have the coordinate and weight . Let's form graph , whose vertices are these points and edges connect exactly the pairs of points , such that the distance between them is not less than the sum of their weights, or more formally: .
Find the size of the maximum clique in such graph.
The first line contains the integer ( ) — the number of points.
Each of the next lines contains two numbers , ( ) — the coordinate and the weight of a point. All are different.
Print a single number — the number of vertexes in the maximum clique of the given graph.
样例 #1
样例输入 #1
2 3
3 1
6 1
0 2
样例输出 #1
If you happen to know how to solve this problem without using the specific properties of the graph formulated in the problem statement, then you are able to get a prize of one million dollars!
The picture for the sample test.