#P4816. Closest Equals

Closest Equals

Closest Equals


现在有一个序列 a1,a2,...,ana_1, a_2, ..., a_n ,还有mm个查询 lj,rjl_j, r_j (1ljrjn)(1 ≤ l_j ≤ r_j ≤n) 。对于每一个查询,请找出距离最近的两个元素 axa_xaya_y(xy) (x ≠ y) ,并且满足以下条件:

ljx,yrjl_j ≤ x, y ≤ r_j;

ax=aya_x = a_y

两个数字的距离是他们下标之差的绝对值 xy|x − y|


You are given sequence a1,a2,...,an a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} and m m queries lj,rj l_{j},r_{j} ( 1<=lj<=rj<=n 1<=l_{j}<=r_{j}<=n ). For each query you need to print the minimum distance between such pair of elements ax a_{x} and ay a_{y} ( xy x≠y ), that:

  • both indexes of the elements lie within range [ lj,rj l_{j},r_{j} ], that is, lj<=x,y<=rj l_{j}<=x,y<=r_{j} ;
  • the values of the elements are equal, that is ax=ay a_{x}=a_{y} .

The text above understands distance as xy |x-y| .


The first line of the input contains a pair of integers n n , m m ( 1<=n,m<=5105 1<=n,m<=5·10^{5} ) — the length of the sequence and the number of queries, correspondingly.

The second line contains the sequence of integers a1,a2,...,an a_{1},a_{2},...,a_{n} ( 109<=ai<=109 -10^{9}<=a_{i}<=10^{9} ).

Next m m lines contain the queries, one per line. Each query is given by a pair of numbers lj,rj l_{j},r_{j} ( 1<=lj<=rj<=n 1<=l_{j}<=r_{j}<=n ) — the indexes of the query range limits.


Print m m integers — the answers to each query. If there is no valid match for some query, please print -1 as an answer to this query.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

5 3
1 1 2 3 2
1 5
2 4
3 5

样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

6 5
1 2 1 3 2 3
4 6
1 3
2 5
2 4
1 6

样例输出 #2
