#P4855. Strip




给定一个长度为 nn 的数组,要求把数组分为若干部分,满足下面两个条件:

  1. 每个部分至少含有 ll 个元素;
  2. 每个部分中两两数的差值的最大值不超过 ss


$1\le n,l\le 10^5,1\le s\le 10^9, \forall 1\le i\le n, -10^9\le a_i\le 10^9$。


Alexandra has a paper strip with n n numbers on it. Let's call them ai a_{i} from left to right.

Now Alexandra wants to split it into some pieces (possibly 1 1 ). For each piece of strip, it must satisfy:

  • Each piece should contain at least l l numbers.
  • The difference between the maximal and the minimal number on the piece should be at most s s .

Please help Alexandra to find the minimal number of pieces meeting the condition above.


The first line contains three space-separated integers $n,s,l (1\le n\le10^5, 0\le s\le10^9, 1\le l\le10^5)$.

The second line contains nn integers aia_i separated by spaces (109ai109)(-10^9\le a_i\le10^9).


Output the minimal number of strip pieces.

If there are no ways to split the strip, output -1.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

7 2 2
1 3 1 2 4 1 2

样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

7 2 2
1 100 1 100 1 100 1

样例输出 #2



For the first sample, we can split the strip into 33 pieces: [1,3,1],[2,4],[1,2][1,3,1], [2,4], [1,2].

For the second sample, we can't let 11 and 100100 be on the same piece, so no solution exists.