#P4891. Dreamoon and Strings

Dreamoon and Strings

Dreamoon and Strings



Dreamoon 有一个字符串 ss 和一个模式串 pp,他会先从 ss 中删除恰好 xx 个字符来产生一个新的字符串 ss'。然后他会计算 occ(s,p)occ(s',p),即从 ss' 中能找到的等于 pp 的不相交的子串数量的最大值。他想让 occ(s,p)occ(s',p) 的值尽可能大。

更形式地说,让我们用 ans(x)ans(x) 表示所有可以从 ss 中删去恰好 xx 个字符得到的 ss'occ(s,p)occ(s',p) 的最大值。Dreamoon 想要知道对于所有的 xx (0xs)(0 \leq x \leq |s|)ans(x)ans(x) 的值。


第一、二行分别输入一个字符串:sspp(1s2000,1p500)(1 \leq |s| \leq 2000,1 \leq |p| \leq 500),两串只包含小写英文字母。


一行,(s+1)(|s|+1) 个数,分别代表 ans(0),ans(1),,ans(s)ans(0),ans(1),\dots,ans(|s|)


Dreamoon has a string s s and a pattern string p p . He first removes exactly x x characters from s s obtaining string s s' as a result. Then he calculates that is defined as the maximal number of non-overlapping substrings equal to p p that can be found in s s' . He wants to make this number as big as possible.

More formally, let's define as maximum value of over all s s' that can be obtained by removing exactly x x characters from s s . Dreamoon wants to know for all x x from 0 0 to s |s| where s |s| denotes the length of string s s .


The first line of the input contains the string s s ( 1<=s<=2000 1<=|s|<=2000 ).

The second line of the input contains the string p p ( 1<=p<=500 1<=|p|<=500 ).

Both strings will only consist of lower case English letters.


Print s+1 |s|+1 space-separated integers in a single line representing the for all x x from 0 0 to s |s| .

样例 #1

样例输入 #1


样例输出 #1

2 2 1 1 0 0

样例 #2

样例输入 #2


样例输出 #2

0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0


For the first sample, the corresponding optimal values of s s' after removal 0 0 through s=5 |s|=5 characters from s s are {"aaaaa", "aaaa", "aaa", "aa", "a", ""}.

For the second sample, possible corresponding optimal values of s s' are {"axbaxxb", "abaxxb", "axbab", "abab", "aba", "ab", "a", ""}.